Bibliograph: Open Source Online Citation & Library Management

Bibliograph is an application that lets you collect, edit, and publish bibliographic data collaboratively on the web. It has a modern and intuitive user interface that makes the daily life of working with bibliographies and library collections easy and fun. It allows researchers, librarians, teachers and students work together online without having to install software locally. Bibliograph is fully open source and free to download, install, use and adapt to your particular need.
Bibliograph's frontend is based on Qooxdoo, its PHP backend uses the Yii2 framework and a MySql/MariaDB database.
Website: http://www.bibliograph.org/
Source Code: https://github.com/cboulanger/bibliograph

DataLife: Hospital Information System

DataLife is a hospital information system designed to0 support the management of healthcare institutions, regardless of specialty. It covers all aspects of operations of small, medium and large general and specialist clinics, rehabilitation centers, public hospitals and nursing homes.
Focusing on information integrity, decision support and simplicity, DataLife features:
- In- and out- patient management
- Electronic Medical Records
- Financials, billing and credit tracking
- Inventory and pharmacy management
- Statistics and reporting
Website: https://www.datalife.gr/

Ecliptic SCADA: Diagnostic and Control System

Ecliptic SCADA is a control system architecture comprising computers, networked data communications and graphical user interfaces for high-level supervision of machines and processes. It also covers sensors and other devices, such as programmable logic controllers, which interface with process plant or machinery.
Client-server communication is implemented with node-opcua library. Transport layer of node-opcua is websockets for web browser clients and tcp for Electron version of application.
Ecliptic SCADA's frontend is based on Qooxdoo, its backend uses the C++/C OPC UA implementation.
One of adaptations for the system is a tram traction substations' system for whole city. On the screenshots you may see the following.
- Real-time dinamic electric schema which shows a current state of traction substation
- Table of events and alarms which happen on the substation
- Map of all substations
Author: LLC NPP "Yugpromavtomatizacia"
Website: https://www.ugpa.ru


This program allows easy visualization of medical images, ideal for teaching life sciences at school. Based on qooxdoo, DESK and electron.js, Eduanat2 has been developed with ease of use as a primary objective, in cooperation with the French Institute for Education (IFE).
Website: https://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/~valette/public/project/eduanat2/
Source Code: https://github.com/valette/eduAnat2

Kanapa: Smart Home System

Kanapa is application to manage smart home modules. It allows programing behavior of each module by setup conditions (relations) between sensors. There are several sensors implemented in module: temperature, light, humidity, PWM, RGB indicator, relays, touch switches, air quality, motion. Each module is based on AVR processor and communicate via wireless network by UDP protocol. Kanapa also covers setup conditions (relations) between modules. Commands send by modules are monitoring by Kanapa and can be analyses using reports. The main role of Kanapa application is to setup and tuning intelligent home. Regardless of this fact, Kanapa gives interface to manage home remotely. The interface consists of buttons which can be defined by user.
Author: http://www.grykar.eu


Mutualink IWS Web provides an incident-based highly intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) used by a dispatcher or incident manager to communicate with other dispatch personnel and units in the field. Easily share radio, voice, video & data for cross-agency collaboration. Connect with partner agencies in real time with Mutualink’s interoperability system to quickly resolve incidents.
Public safety agencies and critical infrastructure organizations need radio interoperability. Our solution goes beyond basic radio interoperability to provide LMR to LMR, LMR to LTE, real-time video sharing, geospatial information and data sharing capabilities.
All of this is possible through our powerful capability and network called the Interoperable Response and Preparedness Platform (IRAPP). This network is the largest nationwide network of public safety agencies, critical infrastructure, schools and private enterprise security. The IRAPP is transport agnostic, device agnostic and media agnostic. It leverages your current communications assets and incorporates new devices as needed. Connect to the IRAPP network via public or private LTE, satellite or terrestrial broadband.
Emergencies are unpredictable; the who, what, when and where of communications needed for mitigation is unknown until the incident unfolds. Additionally, emergency environments are not static events; new primary as well as secondary and tertiary effects can rapidly emerge. Therefore, collaboration is needed with those in both remote and immediate proximity. The complex inter-dependencies of the real world require a communications approach that serves this dynamic.
• Displays available partners and agency resources and
active incidents
• Accommodates multiple incidents
• Real-time voice, video and data sharing
• Data Encryption
• Locate and add partners using Network Map
• Monitor traffic and weather by activating layers on
Network Map
• Manage incidents in Network Map view
Website: https://mutualink.net/

o2S2PARC - Open Online Simulations for Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions
The application is not yet completely accessible since an invitation for registering is required (it will be opened early next year).
Description from the docs: The aim of o2S2PARC is to establish a comprehensive, freely accessible, intuitive, and interactive online platform for simulating peripheral nerve system neuromodulation/stimulation and its impact on organ physiology in a precise and predictive manner. To achieve this, the platform will comprise both state-of-the art and highly detailed animal and human anatomical models with realistic tissue property distributions that make it possible to perform simulations ranging from the molecular scale up to the complexity of the human body.
Some diagrams showing how the stack in the backend is configured.
using qooxdoo
Website: https://github.com/ITISFoundation/osparc-simcore
Source Code: https://github.com/ITISFoundation/osparc-simcore
PlaidCloud: Better Data Analysis

PlaidCloud is a cohesive platform that brings together leading business processes, data analysis methods, workflows, and techniques in a scalable, secure, and trusted environment that is actually simple to use
PlaidCloud empowers business focus on solutions instead of technology. Unlimited potential and flexibility with pre-built solutions:
- Goods and Services Transfer Pricing
- Customer and Production Profitability
- Bill of Materials (BOM) Costing and Cost Projections
- Cost to Serve and Fulfillment Profitability
- Sales and Marketing Segmentation and Effectiveness
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
PlaidCloud provides and end-to-end solution that eliminates technology pinch points. Included are:
- Report - PDF, Excel, and other formats to suite your needs
- Dashboard - Build and share dashboards with real-time data updates
- Collaborate - Effortlessly share information and work in parallel with others
- Efficient - Everything is designed to get things done faster and eliminate clicks
- Scale - Never worry about scale issues again
- Connect - Connect to ERP, databases, and files to maintain high quality sources of truth
- SaaS - Nothing to install or maintain... it just works
Website: https://plaidcloud.com/

Polaris Aplive

At Laboratorio Nebula of the UPNFM we develop Polaris
Aplive, our Frontend application for students users for
their academic management, like enrolment, academic
history, messaging, e-learning, etc.
Polaris is daily used by more of 27,000 students across
the country, resulting in a fundamental tool for the
University activities.

PREMS (The Plant REsource Management System)

This app is a qooxdoo based front-end
for a postgresql database with python jsonrpc web services
(ELVIS, see sources) aimed to manage biological resources
for plants and seeds. It is actively developed by the BIDefI team at IRHS. In the app, users can define
groups or collections of plants and use them in projects and
experiments. They can characterize them and will be able to
store manipulation done in laboratory like sampling or
extracting DNA. It is like a LIMS but focused on plants and
samples management.
The instance of the app is for internal use only but the app
is released under CeCILL free software
Website: https://www6.angers-nantes.inra.fr/irhs/Recherche/Bioinformatics-for-plant-Defense-Investigations
Source Code: https://sourcesup.renater.fr/projects/prems

Race Day: Motorsports events tracker

Race Day tracks motorsports events and the available broadcasts for each. With a continually updated database of such events, it is the premier online resource for tracking your favorite motorsports series and finding new ones. Race Day provides both desktop and mobile friendly views.
Author: Motorsport on TV/Online
Website: https://raceday.watch


ReForm (by SiBit)
A comprehensive CRUD-like Framework specialized for
implementing business processes. Based on ReForm we've build
applications like a warehouse management system for our
customer AfB and the asset management
Software Office Asset.
Author: https://www.sibitag.com/home
Website: https://www.afb-group.de/home/

SIAS Online 3.x

Our website: www.digisoftph.com
Special thanks also to https://github.com/jbaron for making Qx-Typed: https://github.com/jbaron/qx-typed which made qooxdoo easily accessible to Typescript developers.
Main Modules:
- Admission and Document Management
- Pre-Enlistment (Automatic), Enrollment and Auto-Advising
- Class Scheduling Wizard (Deans and Registrar)
- Assessment, Discounts and Scholarships (UNIFAST reports)
- Grading System: Adaptive / User-defined, RAW Scores, Automatic Transmutation, Universal Grade Conversion
- Instructor Modules: Class Record (Raw Scores such as Quizzes, Class Standing, Periodic Test, etc.), Grade Sheet, Changing of Grades, Learning Resources, Class Attendance and Class Absences
- Student Module: Enrollment, Assessment, Grades, Curriculum Evaluation, General Weighted Average and Statement of Accounts, Learning Resources, Class Absences and Teachers Evaluation
- Parent Access: Gate Entry/Exit SMS Notifications, Per Subject Absences/Late SMS Notifications, Assessment, Grades, Statement of Accounts, Learning Resources, etc.
- Curriculum Evaluation: Credited, Equivalent, Internal and External subjects
- Teachers Evaluation: Students can evaluate their teachers
- Centralized Clearance System: Clearance is required only to tagged students
- Learning Management: eBooks, Learning Modules, Reading Materials, Quizzes, Examinations and Projects attached to Subjects
- Class Attendance: Integrated Calendar of Activities, Class Absences Report
- Payroll System: User-defined Income and deductions, Mandatory deductions, Annualized tax computation, Ensures Net take-home pay, Personal Data Sheet, etc.
- Point of Sale: Cashless (e-Wallet), Cash, Account Receivables, Sales Report, Sales Summary Report, Stock Inventory, Price management, Stock-In/Out, etc.
- Library System: Management, OPAC, Inventory, Self-service Kiosk, Penalties, Book Ledger, Patron Ledger, etc.
Website: http://www.digisoftph.com/

SPAR UK Cloud Services

SPAR UK Cloud Services (by Zenesis Limited)
The Cloud Services application platform is the ongoing replacement of internal IT software
systems at SPAR (UK), a national retailer with over 2,600 stores. Front end development
switched to Qooxdoo around 2010 and now encompases full stack development with Qooxdoo at
its core.
SPAR UK Cloud Services supports over 500 users from hundreds of companies, connecting suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, store owners, product development consultants, auditors, design & marketing, and other consultancies together with SPAR UK's central office.
Author: https://www.zenesis.com

VisionMedia Digital Signage

VisionMedia Digital Signage (by Zenesis Limited)
The VisionMedia Digital Signage platform has over 1,500 set top box installations, each of which
connect to the Qooxdoo-based web services to download media and instructions. The Qooxdoo based
control panel administers the content and facilities for each site, and the owners of each site
(of which there are over 4,000 users) log in via a seperate Qooxdoo based members application to
customise the content broadcast to their screen.
Author: https://www.zenesis.com

VZAweb: web-based traffic census data base

For various purposes and in different intervals cities and communes carry out traffic counts. This often causes extensive data collections with data from various sources. Mostly the data is archived in digitally using directory names with a strict directory structure or even in paper form using folders. In addition, they are often accessible only to a limited number of users.
The application VZAweb creates a uniform and common database for all counting data which can include all information. Surveys from different sources and time periods can be compared, developments analysed, and traffic loads displayed.
The current version (VZAweb 7.13; status: 05.05.2020) is available on the Internet: www.vzaweb.de.
The web-based solution offers the following advantages:
- WELL ARRANGED …thanks to intelligent combination of charts and maps.
- LINKED …due to implemented georeferencing
- UNIFORM …thanks to import programs that feed VZAweb with counting data from various sources.
- ACCESSIBLE …making the information available for many interested users.
- INTUITIVE …thanks to an attractive user interface directly in the browser.
- PLAUSIBLE …due to automated verification of data during import process.
The application is completely based on open-source-components and combines GeoInformation e.g. from OpenstreetMap (OSM) with voluminous filtering functions and a report generator. It combines qooxdoo with OpenLayers and BIRT. The backend is a Java servlet running on a Tomcat server. It can be used with different databases, e.g. Firebird, Postgres, Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server.
Author: https://www.software-kontor.de/

Wisej Real-time Web Applications

Wisej is a highly specialized framework for Real Time Web Applications. Developers can focus on their projects and don’t worry about HTML, state management, backend services, callbacks, ajax panels, synchronization, DOM, CSS, JavaScript, security, authentication, concurrency …
See our case studies at
Author: https://www.iceteagroup.com/